6 Easy Steps To Fun And Fashionable Hair

Posted by Feather My Head on 8th Jan 2015

Alright, you have your supplies gathered and you’re ready to attach your hair feathers to your hair. Feather My Head is here to help you take these supplies and turn them into a fun and fashionable addition to your look. Here are the easy-to-follow steps to attach the feathers to your hair:

  1. Separate a small lock of hair from your hair as it is normally parted. It needs to fit through the microbead. An important consideration here is where you choose to attach your feathers. Young girls like to wear there’s close to the face and top of the head, making them more visible. If you need to be able to cover them on occasion, wear them lower and near the back of your head.
  2. Slide the Looper Tool through a micro bead.
  3. Slip the hook around your lock of hair and pull your hair through the bead. Slide the bead up so it rests about ½ inch from your scalp to reduce the chance of it getting twisted around and painfully pulling on your hair while you’re sleeping.
  4. Slide the point of a feather up through the bead. You can add a second feather if there’s enough hair there to support it.
  5. Use the pliers to clamp the micro bead down to your hair and feather. Clamp it tight into place on one edge of the bead, so you have an easy way to get the bead out of your hair.
  6. Finally, to take the feather out of your hair, simply clamp the pliers down on the opposite end that you crimped down until you can slide the bead back down your hair.