Feather Extensions for the Holidays

12th Nov 2015

As the holiday's approach, new opportunities for hairstyles become possible. We at Feather My Head are all about unique, beautiful looks made with feather hair extensions. These extensions are a great, quick way to express yourself, and ours will last as long as you need them to.

In our last blog, we explored how to use colors to make your extensions really pop. Combining them using the rules of complementary colors will get you great results. However, the possibilities do not end there. When you get into the holidays, there are some great color combinations you can do to really get in the spirit of the season.

White and red is a fun combination reminiscent of candy canes. Bring that colorful sweetness to your style with our White Red-Vanille Cherry feathers. This set comes with 10 feathers, and each feather changes from white to red. If you want separate feathers for each color, we suggest our red extensions and our white extensions.

You can also combine red and gold to capture the rich warmth of the season. Use our butterscotch and our burgundy extensions to create a beautiful, cozy look with just enough flair to catch the eye. You can conceal or reveal them whenever you want. There are many tutorials on the web to help you figure out how to combine your hairstyle and extensions to create the perfect look.

Feather My Head is committed to providing the best feathers for hair on the market for great prices. Explore our store and express yourself with our high-quality products. We have built our collection just for you.