Fine Featherheads Welcome

Posted by Feather My Head on Apr-9-2015

Welcome back to the Feather My Head blog. With our major competitor, Fine Featherheads, going out of business, we have made adjustments in our ordering so we can take care of all their loyal customers seamlessly. For those of you new to our site, let us introduce you to Feather My Head..

First, you can check out our vast array of hair feathers. You will love the wide variety of hair feather colors we offer online, and we are the only online store that processes customized feather orders. Plus, we’re quite proud of the international wholesale partnerships that we’ve forged.

We also offer DIY Feather Kits to make installing your hair feathers at home easy.

We will close with one of our most commonly asked questions because we love to answer it.

How do your feathers compare to others?

“Feather My Head Wholesale Feather Extensions sells only premium grade feather hair extensions. We will not compromise quality and our feathers are sourced only from the USA.  Please be aware there are different types (grades) of saddles and different farmers genetically breeding roosters. We purchase only quality, premium saddles that yield long feathers in a variety of widths. Simply put, cheap saddles produce cheap feathers, allowing cheap prices. Our feathers are premium grade, salon quality.”

We know those of you former Fine Featherhead patrons who have found us, will love your experience with Feather My Head. Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to serving you soon!