What Your Feather Hair Extension Color Says About You
Posted by Feather My Head on May-4-2018
If you’re looking to add a fun and fashionable addition to your hair, hair feathers are the perfect accessory for you! Whether you are headed to a music festival, a rave, or a theme party, a feather hair extension is an investment in cute and chic style for any occasion. At Feather My Head, we have such a large collection of feathers for hair, you may be at a loss for which one to choose! There is a feather hair extension for everyone, and you can choose one that reflects your personality and personal style. For fun, we have composed this list of what each color of extension says about you if you choose them. Check it out below!
Pink Feather Hair Extension
Pink lovers are feminine, flirty, and loving. People may describe you as “sweet” and “optimistic,” and this is generally your disposition. You may struggle to trust your own intuition and depend on others for validation and decision-making support.
Blue Feather Hair Extension
If you are looking to add a little blue into your hair, you are a calming presence for your friends. Everyone knows you’re the girl to call when they need reassurance, and they can trust you to keep their secrets. You’re genuine, serene, and easy to talk to.
Red Feather Hair Extension
If you’re choosing red for your feather hair extension, you’re a bold, confident woman who doesn’t hold back. You’re extroverted with a lust for life, and you can see the good in any situation. The attention is usually on you for a reason. You’re impulsive, sensual, and you never hesitate to jump in headfirst.
Purple Feather Hair Extension
Purple feather hair extension lovers are empathetic, unconventional, and dreamy. Your friends know you will always be nonjudgmental and compassionate. Sometimes you are too giving, getting taken advantage of for these qualities, but you never hold it against anyone. Your personal style could be described as “quirky.”
Yellow Feather Hair Extension
If you chose a yellow feather hair extension, you’re probably known for your creative and imaginative nature. You’re very cheerful and always smiling, so people like being in your presence. You like smaller social circles of just your closest friends rather than a ruckus party full of strangers.
Bright Green Feather Hair Extension
If you chose a bright green hair extension, you want to be thought of as a unique social butterfly, but inside, you have a need for stability. You want to know that the people who love you are going to stick around, and you don’t like change. You may party it up regularly, but you need to balance it with a good amount of down time.
Black Feather Hair Extension
Choosing black feather hair extensions indicates a more reserved, introverted personality type. You prefer to appear to mysterious to others, keeping them at an arm’s length. You prefer to withdraw inward to process your emotions rather than reach out.
When you’re shopping for feathers for your hair, check out Feather My Head! We have an extensive collection of feather hair extensions from which you can choose. Shop today!